Interview– category –
“Have a perspective on the times” – sculptor Iwamoto Takashi
Iwamoto Takashi(岩本宇司) is a sculptor who makes large rough pieces out of wood. He also presents pictures of the scenery in the city and drawings larger than his height. I visited Mr. Iwamoto's studio to learn about the transition of... -
“I want people to see my way of life through my work.” – Live painting artist NISHINO Kain
Do you know a performance called live painting that shows the painting process in real time? We can see it at various events in Fukui, Japan. NISHINO Kain is a live painting artist based in Fukui, Japan. She expresses her life through it... -
“I have my own item called illustration.” – Interview with a scratching artist WAKABAYASHI Tomomi
Recently, scratchingart books have been crowded in bookstores and general stores. Some of readers may have actually bought a book and finished it. It is a common scratchingart to finish a work by shaving a black sheet. However, WAKABAYAS...