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A retrospective “The world of UTAGAWA Hiroshige” in Fukui, Japan

At Fukui City Art Museum (Fukui city, Fukui prefecture), an exhibition “The world of UTAGAWA Hiroshige” is being held. Until Sep. 2, 2018.

UTAGAWA is one of famous ukiyo-e (浮世絵) artist who was active in the Edo period (late 18 century). The exhibition introduces his works including the Houeido version “Tokaido Gojusan-tsugi (東海道五十三次)”, “Meisho Edo Hyakkei (名所江戸百景)” and so on.

Most of exhibits are from Hiraki Collection (Tokyo). At a corner of the venue, it also introduces ukiyo-e prints depicting the state of Fukui (Tsuruga, Wakasa).

A curator KONO Yoshishisa says.
“I feel the depth of depiction from UTAGAWA’s works. Also, I imagine through the picture. The bustle of the town, the tranquility of the snow scenery, etc. I heard that ukiyo-e was affixed to fusuma (Japanese fittings) and was familiar to people. I guess that UTAGAWA’s works were popular as landscape painting and memories of traveling.”

The world of UTAGAWA Hiroshige
Fukui City Art Museum
Jul.21, 2018~Sep.2, 2018
Phone +81-776-33-2990

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Author of this article

SAITO Riko(齊藤理子)


I have liked drawing since I was young, manga and design. I tried to find a way to be involved in art other than painting, and found that there were ways to be involved in planning, management and criticism. I am interested in modern art and try to interact with contemporary artists. I am an art otaku, however, it is not limited to modern art. I appreciate widely and shallowly in classical literature, remains, and architecture. If there is an exhibition or an artist that interests me, I go anywhere in and outside of Japan.