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【Review】KASHIO Masaji copperplate exhibition

Masaji Kashio is a contemporary artist. He makes works using Japanese paper and persimmon juice as a material. Mr. Kasao has also made many announcements overseas.

He challenged the copperplate in Austria. He announced at the gallery Sarai.He is making works like organisms. From his copperplate also his color and shape are well understood.

But there is one work that is not like him. “The first work had an experimental meaning,” he says.

He always thinks “What kind of expression should I do?” He will not forget the motivation to learn.

Exhibition title:橿尾 正次(かしお まさじ)の世界展-立体紙とコラグラフー
ギャラリー喫茶「サライ」Gallery Saray

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Author of this article

SAITO Riko(齊藤理子)


I have liked drawing since I was young, manga and design. I tried to find a way to be involved in art other than painting, and found that there were ways to be involved in planning, management and criticism. I am interested in modern art and try to interact with contemporary artists. I am an art otaku, however, it is not limited to modern art. I appreciate widely and shallowly in classical literature, remains, and architecture. If there is an exhibition or an artist that interests me, I go anywhere in and outside of Japan.